Future of drinking water


We are a Swiss company with the mission to make people drink water more responsibly by adding some flavor without any sugar and additives.
We believe that the current perception of beverage consumption has much room for improvement. Here's how it goes:
1. Billions of beverages are produced every year in different locations and shipped globally.
2. Beverages are produced in single-use plastic bottles or cans.
3. Plenty of refined sugars and chemicals are added to water for beverage production.

Those three simple steps are so wonderfully irrational that they manage to cause hundreds of consequences: water depletion, desertification, frivolous CO2 emissions, ocean pollution, biodiversity threat, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes … to mention a few.

We are here to change all of that while adding magic and innovation to the beverage industry!

We are the PIOneers – and We are different.



Hydration & Health

Water is essential to our life as it hydrates us, eliminates toxins, and improves digestion. PIO is here to give new magical flavors to your drink while adding no sugar to it.


Our bottles are innovative with a touch of pop, and you can take them anywhere with you.

Eco Friendly

Thanks to our semi-stainless bottle, we are an eco-friendly company that will help you avoid PET bottles. All of us must take a step further toward protecting our environment. Start your eco-friendly journey by becoming aware of how your choices affect the environment by using our bottles.


Curabitur lacinia ligula at elit aliquet, pretium convallis nulla mattis.


Curabitur lacinia ligula at elit aliquet, pretium convallis nulla mattis.

Sense of Beloging

Curabitur lacinia ligula at elit aliquet, pretium convallis nulla mattis.


Morbi felis metus, laoreet sit amet lectus eget, cursus dictum.

Etiam et consequat massa. Phasellus mollis dictum risus, vel euismod dolor blandit eget.
Praesent dui sem, malesuada a est eget, pellentesque ornare tortor.

Fusce euismod id lacus et porta. Ut id ligula imperdiet, pulvinar sem non, vehicula dui.
Quisque venenatis elementum lectus. Fusce malesuada convallis erat non semper.

Pellentesque sit amet ante nibh. Aenean ultricies, metus ut iaculis suscipit, turpis tortor
iaculis risus, sit amet viverra sem justo id arcu. Nunc nisl diam, ultrices laoreet libero at,
tincidunt convallis est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Pellentesque sit amet ante nibh. Aenean ultricies, metus ut iaculis suscipit.

Start the journey with us

Buy your first PIO bottle and join our community

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